One of the primary functions of the Central Bank in its supervisory role is to monitor the operation of financial institutions and markets, to ensure fair competition and consumer protection interests.
This supervisory activity requires diverse and complex processes, procedures and methods, as well as the integrated cooperation of a great deal of participants. An integrated process operation support tool can help to meet the requirements, which not only effectively connects each area, but also helps to share accumulated knowledge.
The project goal was to create and introduce this professional and stable system. It required a customisable solution which already proved its functioning in both governmental and banking environment. It was also a requirement that future legal changes, market and organisational changes could be managed and followed without supplier intervention and development skills.
The priorities within process digitisation were to collect and present data from regulated institutions, to unify the necessary registers, to support the preparation of business documentation, to ensure the transparency of the supervisory work and the flexibility of the future development of the system.
We provided solution and advice to the following issues:
Problem: In a business environment where the processes are changing continuously, the firm struggled to deploy these changes into its systems.
Solution: Up-to-date recording and maintenance of previously assessed business processes.
Problem: Procedural similarities do not necessarily mean identical operation in practice at banks. The lack of proper documentation of Business Processes Reviews means that this has to be done parallel to the introduction of IT system.
Solution: Unification of the processes, supported by separate project.
Problem: Contradiction between paper-based procedures and digitisation, lack of common ground, difficult start of the survey process, slow awareness, multi-circle, long trainings, coordination.
Solution: Detailed presentation of the process support framework, setting up workshop methodology, presentation of sample processes, familiarisation with the new system through common testing.
Problem: Parallel surveys mean parallel solutions, uncalculated time of standardising the solutions and accepting them.
Solution: Holding repetitive, summarising, unifying workshops.
Problem: Big organization means a lot responsibilities, the pressure on the key users, operational work peaks and fluctuation.
Solution: Early involvement of key users during project planning. Continuous measurement and strengthening of commitment.